

科技要闻-新浪科技: 配置各不同 三星Galaxy S5型号共有18种



配置各不同 三星Galaxy S5型号共有18种
Feb 1st 2014, 00:23

  在去年,给笔者印象最深刻的机型应该就是iPhone 5s了。面对N多型号和版本,在挑选对应的网络的时候还是有着不晓得问题的。而近日有消息显示,三星Galaxy S5共将推出18个版本,其中,有些版本的参数还不尽相同,看来挑选的时候又有不少问题了。

  这次Galaxy S5的型号曝光由外媒送出,型号的细分多达18款。除了美国三大运营商外,中国、日本、韩国均有相应版本,此外还有亚洲、欧洲版本。最为重要的是,此次发 布的Galaxy S5会有两个版本,一个是机身材质塑料,而另外一个是金属(金属后壳/该版本的S5可能最后会被冠以其它的名称),两者的预计售价分别是650欧元(折合 人民币5350元左右)和800欧元(折合人民币6600元)。
  硬件方面,Galaxy S5采用高通骁龙805/Exynos 6处理器、5.25寸2560×1440的屏幕(Super AMOLED)、Android 4.4系统、1600万像素摄像头(支持光学防抖)等等。值得一提的是,Galaxy S5将配备一块2900mAh的电池(比Galaxy S4大了300mAh),而且支持快速充电,2小时可完全充满。此外,该机还有望配备指纹识别。

▲目前感觉这个版本会是最为靠谱的 不知道各位是不是喜欢
  据称三星Galaxy S5将于2月23日提前发布,同时将在4月份正式发售。而在过去的一年,三星全球智能手机出货量首次突破10亿大关,达到10.04亿部,相比2012年 的7.253亿部大涨38.4%。不过旗舰机型Galaxy S4的销量并未达到预期,不知在今年的产品中三星能否再做突破。
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科技要闻-新浪科技: 搭载骁龙800 三星曝首款Tizen手机官方图



搭载骁龙800 三星曝首款Tizen手机官方图
Jan 31st 2014, 23:53


  从渲染图上看,外观毫无疑问就是延续三星手机的血统,比较像三星GALAXY S3和三星WP手机ATIV S的样子。根据韩国网站说法该机隶属全新"ZEQ"系列,类似GALAXY系列,这个品牌是三星去年注册的,未来将包括有智能手机、平板电脑、数码相机等设备。
  三星ZEQ9000将搭载高通骁龙800处理器,不过也有说法是搭载三星自家的Exynos处理器,具体未得到官方确认。采用4.8英寸 1280×720像素分辨率屏幕,该机长度为136.1mm,宽度为69.1mm,体积整体与GALAXY S4相似。运行的是Tizen 2.2系统,该系统也会在发布会时被隆重而详细地介绍。
  三星已经发出邀请函将在2月23日MWC大会前夕发布这款Tizen手机,除了邀请韩国SK电讯、KT以及LG U+等运营商参与,传闻中国厂商中兴也加入Tizen阵营,推出搭载Tizen的新机型。
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科技要闻-新浪科技: 低分辨率/联发科CPU HTC低端新机曝光



低分辨率/联发科CPU HTC低端新机曝光
Feb 1st 2014, 00:04

  近日再HTC欧洲官网上,惊现了一款HTC联发科处理器的智能手机HTC Desire 310。虽然这款手机很快就被撤下来,但仍被很多人看到并记录。据悉该款手机是一款联发科处理器的智能手机,这也是HTC首款联发科处理器手机。

  目前对于这款手机的价格还并不知道,但从这些配置上来看,这款手机肯定是一款低端手机,售价也不会太高。而在外形方面,该款手机HTC Desire 310的外型与300十分相似。
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科技要闻-新浪科技: 中国概念股周五收盘涨跌互现 360股价破100美元



中国概念股周五收盘涨跌互现 360股价破100美元
Jan 31st 2014, 21:20

  新浪科技讯 北京时间2月1日凌晨消息 美国股市周五低收,欧元区CPI涨幅的意外下降引发投资者对通货紧缩的恐惧,他们担心通货紧缩将扼杀经济复苏。好于预期的美国消费者开支数据未能提供足够支撑,因为美国人的收入并未增加。美泰、亚马逊、沃尔玛与万事达卡等公司业绩给市场带来压力。
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Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily: One planet, two stars: New research shows how circumbinary planets form

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One planet, two stars: New research shows how circumbinary planets form
Jan 31st 2014, 18:07

Luke Skywalker's home planet Tatooine would have formed far from its current location in the Star Wars universe, a new University of Bristol study into its real world counterparts, observed by the Kepler space telescope, suggests.
Like the fictional Star Wars planet, Kepler-34(AB)b is a circumbinary planet, so-called because its orbit encompasses two stars. There are few environments more extreme than a binary star system in which planet formation can occur. Powerful gravitational perturbations from the two stars on the rocky building blocks of planets lead to destructive collisions that grind down the material. So, how can the presence of such planets be explained?
In research published this week in Astrophysical Journal Letters, Dr Zoe Leinhardt and colleagues from Bristol's School of Physics have completed computer simulations of the early stages of planet formation around the binary stars using a sophisticated model that calculates the effect of gravity and physical collisions on and between one million planetary building blocks.
They found that the majority of these planets must have formed much further away from the central binary stars and then migrated to their current location.
Dr Leinhardt said: "Our simulations show that the circumbinary disk is a hostile environment even for large, gravitationally strong objects. Taking into account data on collisions as well as the physical growth rate of planets, we found that Kepler 34(AB)b would have struggled to grow where we find it now."
Based on these conclusions for Kepler-34, it seems likely that all of the currently known circumbinary planets have also migrated significantly from their formation locations -- with the possible exception of Kepler-47 (AB)c which is further away from the binary stars than any of the other circumbinary planets.
Stefan Lines, lead author of the study, said: "Circumbinary planets have captured the imagination of many science-fiction writers and film-makers -- our research shows just how remarkable such planets are. Understanding more about where they form will assist future exoplanet discovery missions in the hunt for earth-like planets in binary star systems."

Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by University of Bristol. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
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Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily: Forensic experts compile guide on how to ID child abuse, starvation

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Breaking science news and articles on global warming, extrasolar planets, stem cells, bird flu, autism, nanotechnology, dinosaurs, evolution -- the latest discoveries in astronomy, anthropology, biology, chemistry, climate and environment, computers, engineering, health and medicine, math, physics, psychology, technology, and more -- from the world's leading universities and research organizations.

Forensic experts compile guide on how to ID child abuse, starvation
Jan 31st 2014, 15:12

Forensic science experts from North Carolina State University are publishing a comprehensive overview of forensic research that can be used to identify child abuse and starvation.
"By pulling all of this information together in one place, we hope that we can save the lives of some children and find justice for others," says Dr. Ann Ross, a professor of anthropology at NC State and lead author of the paper. Ross is also co-editor of the book "The Juvenile Skeleton in Forensic Abuse Investigations."
"For example, we looked at issues of neglect in which children are starved to death," Ross says. "These are supposedly rare, but I've unfortunately seen this a few times in my capacity as an advisor to medical examiners. In this paper we offer some guidelines on how to use the mineral density of bones to determine whether a child was being starved."
Proving that a child was starved to death is difficult; it's essentially impossible to assess normal indicators of starvation once a body has decomposed. But the paper explains that forensic investigators can use a DXA scan, like those used to assess osteoporosis in older adults, to assess bone density and determine whether a child was severely malnourished.
Also, because teeth are not as affected by malnutrition as bones are, investigators can compare the development of an individual's teeth and bones. Stunted growth of a child's tibia can be a strong indicator of starvation, for example.
"These techniques are well-established but are not in widespread use in the United States," Ross says.
"We also combed the existing literature to focus on skeletal injuries that are indicators of abuse and that are unlikely or impossible to be caused by accident," says Dr. Chelsey Juarez, an assistant professor of anthropology at NC State and co-author of the paper.
For example, rib fractures are very rare in accidental trauma, so the presence of rib fractures in children is highly suggestive of abuse.
The paper also offers broader advice, such as noting that forensic investigators should determine whether the story they're getting from a child's caregiver is consistent with the injuries they see on the child.
"The portion of the paper dealing with injuries is particularly important," Juarez says. "Because while it can be used for post-mortem assessment, it can also be used to examine X-rays of living children who can still be saved from abuse."

Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by North Carolina State University. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
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Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily: How neurons control fine motor behavior of the arm

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How neurons control fine motor behavior of the arm
Jan 31st 2014, 15:12

Motor commands issued by the brain to activate arm muscles take two different routes. As the research group led by Professor Silvia Arber at the University of Basel's Biozentrum and the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research has now discovered, many neurons in the spinal cord send their instructions not only towards the musculature, but at the same time also back to the brain via an exquisitely organized network. This dual information stream provides the neural basis for accurate control of arm and hand movements. These findings have now been published in Cell.
Movement is a fundamental capability of humans and animals, involving the highly complex interplay of brain, nerves and muscles. Movements of our arms and hands, in particular, call for extremely precise coordination. The brain sends a constant stream of commands via the spinal cord to our muscles to execute a wide variety of movements. This stream of information from the brain reaches interneurons in the spinal cord, which then transmit the commands via further circuits to motor neurons innervating muscles. The research group led by Silvia Arber at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel and the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research has now elucidated the organization of a second information pathway taken by these commands.
Cc to the brain: one command -- two directions
The scientists showed that many interneurons in the mouse spinal cord not only transmit their signals via motor neurons to the target muscle, but also simultaneously send a copy of this information back to the brain. Chiara Pivetta, first author of the publication, explains: "The motor command to the muscle is sent in two different directions -- in one direction, to trigger the desired muscular contraction and in the other, to inform the brain that the command has actually been passed on to the musculature." In analogy to e mail transmission, the information is thus not only sent to the recipient but also to the original requester.
Information to brainstem nucleus segregated by function
What happens to the information sent by spinal interneurons to the brain? As Arber's group discovered, this input is segregated by function and spatially organized within a brainstem nucleus. Information from different types of interneurons thus flows to different areas of the nucleus. For example, spinal information that will influence left-right coordination of a movement is collected at a different site than information affecting the speed of a movement.
Fine motor skills supported by dual information stream
Arber comments: "From one millisecond to the next, this extremely precise feedback ensures that commands are correctly transmitted and that -- via the signals sent back to the brain from the spinal cord -- the resulting movement is immediately coordinated with the brain and adjusted." Interestingly, the scientists only observed this kind of information flow to the brain for arm, but not for leg control. "What this shows," says Arber, "is that this information pathway is most likely important for fine motor skills. Compared to the leg, movements of our arm and especially our hands have to be far more precise. Evidently, our body can only ensure this level of accuracy in motor control with constant feedback of information."
In further studies, Silvia Arber's group now plans to investigate what happens if the flow of information back to the brain is disrupted in specific ways. Since some interneurons facilitate and others inhibit movement, such studies could provide additional insights into the functionality of circuits controlling movement.

Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by University of Basel. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
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Solidot: 老年人的大脑不迟钝,他们只是需要时间处理信息



Jan 31st 2014, 15:30

众所周知,人的记忆力会随着年龄的增长而下降,25岁之后记忆力就开始缓慢衰退。但发表在《Topics in Cognitive Science》上的一篇论文给出了不同解释:老年人反应缓慢不是因为认知能力下降,而是大脑中储存信息太多,他们因此需要更长时间去搜索和处理信息。德国Tübingen大学的一组语言学研究员使用先进的学习模拟去搜索巨大的单词和短语数据库。受过教育的老年人通常比年轻人知道更多词汇,实验模拟长者大脑搜索一个单词,然后加入老年人年轻人之间的词汇量差异,发现记忆力衰退的鸿沟在很大程度上消失了。换句话说,你大脑中储存的信息越多,你寻找特定词汇的时间就越长。论文作者对研究结果也感到震惊。This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service — if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at fivefilters.org/content-only/faq.php#publishers.

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Solidot: 第一家公立大学支持比特币支付学费



Jan 31st 2014, 14:17

塞浦路斯的Nicosia大学去年宣布允许学生用比特币支付学费,成为世界上第一家接受比特币的私立大学。现在,英国的坎布里亚大学成为第一所接受比特币的公立大学,但用比特币支付学费仅限于两门关于互补货币在经济和社会制度中扮演什么角色的新课程。负责新课程的是 Jem Blendell教授。Blendell教授说,一些人喜欢比特币是因为它的流通速度和安全性。一些人接受它是因为它是金融自由新时代的货币,也有人关注它对经济与社会的影响,还有人认为它在未来会变得更重要。所以他说,要了解更多关于包括比特币在内的互补货币的知识,以及对此进行不同角度的分析,就必须从使用中学习。This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service — if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at fivefilters.org/content-only/faq.php#publishers.

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科技要闻-新浪科技: 空中网宣布将收购联众少数股权



Jan 31st 2014, 13:48

  新浪科技讯 北京时间1月31日晚间消息,空中网(Nasdaq:KONG)今天宣布,已达成确定协议,将以1亿元人民币现金(约合1650万美元)的价格收购联众国际控股的少数股权。空中网董事会已经批准了这笔交易,交易预计将于2014年2月底之前完成。
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科技要闻-新浪科技: 微信红包或存漏洞:泄露银行卡信息及提现记录



Jan 31st 2014, 14:24

  新浪科技讯 1月31日晚间消息,今年春节,微信"抢红包"成为微信朋友的一大热门活动。不过今日有微博网友今日晒出截图称,微信红包存在技术漏洞,会误将绑定的银行卡及红包提现记录错发给好友。这位网友贴出了这一漏洞的聊天截图,并呼吁周边的人解绑微信上的银行卡。
  "娜小鱼儿" 此后又连发了几条微博,表示担心到银行卡安全问题,她和她的那位好友赶紧解除了自己的微信银行卡绑定。(木南)
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Solidot: LibreOffice 4.2 发布



LibreOffice 4.2 发布
Jan 31st 2014, 13:56

开源办公软件LibreOffice发布了 4.2版,主要新特性包括:改进Windows 7/8的整合,包括打开文档的桌面透视和缩略图,以及最近文档的跳转菜单;改进与微软文档格式的互操作性;电子表格的新引擎支持GPU加速;新的开始屏幕;支持活动目录,可帮助系统管理员在企业内网部署LibreOffice;新的专家配置窗口;等等。值得一提的是,LibreOffice是少数首批支持AMD Mantle API的软件之一 ,Mantle API能利用GPU减轻CPU工作负荷。AMD称,在使用了支持Mantle AP的Catalyst 14.1驱动之后,AMD A10-7700K APU和Radeon R9 290X显卡在《战地4》1080p分辨率下的性能提升了40%之多,英特尔处理器没有什么明显效果。This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service — if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at fivefilters.org/content-only/faq.php#publishers.

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Solidot: 20%的尼安德特人基因组留在现代人类基因中



Jan 31st 2014, 10:01

尼安德特人虽在几万年前就已灭绝,但他们的部分基因组仍然留在走出非洲的现代人类基因组中。根据发表在《科学》的一项研究报告,1000基因组项目分析了来自欧洲和东亚的665名个体的基因组,发现20%的尼安德特人基因组留在现代人类基因中。尼安德特人与现代人祖先有过杂交,因而在基因组中留下了它们遗传物质。根据另一篇发表在《自然》上的尼安德特人基因组分析报告,研究人员在现代人基因组中注意到有大块区域不存在尼安德特人的DNA,暗示尼安德特人基因组序列中的某些部分可能是有害的。他们还观察到现代人基因组中的某些部分所含有的尼安德特人DNA比预计的要多,可能是因为它们赋予了与皮肤表型有关的适应性优势而被留存了下来。研究人员发现,某些尼安德特人基因组能影响皮肤色素,而另一些则会增加糖尿病和狼疮等疾病的风险。This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service — if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at fivefilters.org/content-only/faq.php#publishers.

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Solidot: Debian init系统投票结果是...



Debian init系统投票结果是...
Jan 31st 2014, 11:02

前几天,Debian技术委员会主席Bdale Garbee呼吁成员对Debian的下一个版本所采用的init系统进行投票,投票选项包括systemd,upstart,openrc,sysvinit (即维持现状)和需要进一步讨论。现在,首轮投票结果已经出炉,结果是需要进一步讨论。委员会正在讨论新的投票。社区成员可能需要花更多时间讨论init系统的选择。目前的争论主要是围绕只支持Linux的systemd和跨平台支持的upstart。This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service — if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at fivefilters.org/content-only/faq.php#publishers.

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Solidot: 比特币中国恢复人民币存款支付,再次成为最大交易平台



Jan 31st 2014, 09:21

比特币中国恢复了人民币存款支付业务。根据Bitcoinity的统计,它的每日交易量超过了火币网成为最大交易平台。中国央行去年12月5日发布了关于禁止国内金融机构交易比特币的通知,为此比特币中国在去年12月曾暂停了人民币存款功能。此举导致比特币中国交易量下降,并连带导致比特币兑换价格从超过一千美元暴跌一半。比特币中国CEO李启元接受电话采访时称,比特币中国在研究了央行的通知以及其他引发对比特币银行活动担忧的规定后,已于周四恢复接受存款。比特币中国认为,虽然银行自身被禁止参与比特币交易和投机活动,但企业银行帐户接受存款并将资金转移到客户帐户上是合法的。 但比特币中国并没有高调宣布这项变动,部分原因是该公司对政府未来的举动持谨慎态度。李启元称,比特币中国绝对遵守了中国央行12月5日所发布通知的内容,但中央政府和相关政府机构在未来任何时候都可能更改规定,所以该交易所决定采取观望态度。他说,时机也很重要。This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service — if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at fivefilters.org/content-only/faq.php#publishers.

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科技要闻-新浪科技: 打车软件暗藏隐患:诱发危险驾驶 助推黑车生意



打车软件暗藏隐患:诱发危险驾驶 助推黑车生意
Jan 31st 2014, 07:27

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网易科技频道IT业界新闻: 2013年Android手机占近80% iOS下降至15%



2013年Android手机占近80% iOS下降至15%
Jan 31st 2014, 10:21

网易科技讯 1月31日消息,据美国媒体报道,市场调查公司Canalys称,2013年全球智能手机出货量达到9.98亿部,同比增长率44%,其中Android设备从2012年的68%提高到79%,iOS设备份额从20%下降到15%。

微软的Windows phone设备增长强劲,出货量同比增长90%至3210万部,市场份额达到3%。微软成为第三大智能手机平台供应商,随后是黑莓,出货量为1980万部。三星在2013年表现强劲,市场份额从30%提高到32%,苹果列第二,华为超越联想占据手机制造商第三位置。
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科技要闻-新浪科技: 大屏之争 酷派大神与小米3对比评测



大屏之争 酷派大神与小米3对比评测
Jan 31st 2014, 01:24

  其中酷派大神配备7.0英寸的超大触控屏幕,屏幕分辨率为1920x1200像素。硬件方面,酷派大神装备了联发科MT6592处理器,主频1.7GHz,集成Mali-450MP4 GPU,RAM内存为2GB,电池容量为不可拆卸式4000mAh。拍照方面,酷派大神后置一颗1300万像素摄像头,前置一颗500万像素摄像头,背部有双LED补光灯。
小米 M3(Mi3/移动版)
酷派 大神
MIUI V5 基于Android 4.2
Android OS 4.2
Nvidia Tegra4
联发科 MT6592
  TD版小米手机3则搭载了1.8GHz主频英伟达Tegra 4处理器,5英寸1080p显示屏使得其像素密度达到了441ppi。同时配备2GB RAM,1300万像素后置摄像头以及200万像素前置摄像头,拥有3050mAh容量电池,单卡设计。
  外形设计上两款手机截然不同,当然最明显的就是屏幕尺寸;作为一款绝对的跨界类产品,酷派大神的7英寸外形直逼iPad mini或者三星GALAXY Tab这样的通话平板,视野范围极其广阔,而屏幕也不小的小米3在它面前就显得非常迷你了。


  CoolLife UI 5.5对比MIUI V5
  系统部分酷派大神与小米手机3均采用了基于Android 4.2二次开发的系统,而且Coollife UI以及小米MIUI V5都已经是我们非常熟悉的;不过此次酷派大神在搭载Android 4.2系统的同时植入了最新版的CoolLife UI 5.5操作界面,相对于4.X的版本来说改动非常大,让我们来详细了解一下。
CoolLife UI 5.5对比MIUI V5

  酷派大神的Coollife UI 5.5操作界面采用了主屏+二级应用程序菜单的逻辑机制,因此主屏以及其他几个分屏幕都可以用来放置非常多的桌面插件,来实现对大屏的广泛利用;第一印象上酷派大神Coollife UI 5.5应用到了非常多以往所没有的动态效果。
  而小米3的MIUI则是类似iPhone iOS那样所有程序icon全部位于主屏没有二级菜单的设计,因此限制了不少桌面插件的使用。而且从屏幕大小上来说,单个主屏所容纳的内容也没有酷派大神多。

  酷派大神Coollife UI 此次设计的桌面插件还是让人眼前一亮的,一改原生Android系统比较鸡肋既不好看也不实用的插件,Coollife UI 5.5当中的日历、音乐、天气甚至应用市场等插件都加入了非常多的动态效果,审美也较之前更加出色;而且像音乐、应用市场等这些插件也都与系统进行了深入开发,可以直接在插件上面完成各种简单操作。

焦距:4mm  光圈:f/2.2  ISO感光度:135 
曝光时间:1/939  曝光补偿:0EV  白平衡:自动
焦距:4mm  光圈:f/2.2  ISO感光度:100 
曝光时间:1/769  曝光补偿:0EV  白平衡:自动
焦距:4mm  光圈:f/2.2  ISO感光度:135 
曝光时间:1/874  曝光补偿:0EV  白平衡:自动
焦距:4mm  光圈:f/2.2  ISO感光度:100 
曝光时间:1/476  曝光补偿:0EV  白平衡:自动
焦距:4mm  光圈:f/2.2  ISO感光度:187 
曝光时间:1/50  曝光补偿:0EV  白平衡:自动
焦距:4mm  光圈:f/2.2  ISO感光度:320 
曝光时间:1/50  曝光补偿:0EV  白平衡:自动
  真八核性能对比Tegra 4
  最后让我们来实际对比一下酷派大神以及小米3的性能水准;其中酷派大神采用联发科8核心处理器,CPU部分为Cortex-A7架构1.7GHz主频、GPU部分为Mali-450MP,而小米3(这里为TD版)则采用Tegra 4处理器,CPU部分为Cortex-A15架构1.8GHz主频,GPU部分为72核心NVIDIA GeForce。

  AnTuTu Benchmark是一个专门给Android系统的手机、平板电脑硬件跑分的软件,它能一键运行完整测试项目,通过内存性能、CPU整数性能,CPU浮点性能、2D、3D绘图性能、数据库I/O、SD卡读、写速度等多项性能测试,并对手机的整体和单项硬件性能做出评分。同时上传分数并查看该设备在世界的排名。


  总的来说酷派大神的性能从跑分上来看还是略逊于小米手机3,差别在于MT6592的微架构还是落后于小米3的Tegra 4,虽然核心数量众多但是总体效能不高。不过MT6592的Cortex-A7相比A15来说也具备省电等特性,况且两万七左右的跑分在我们之前的各项测试当中也足够胜任绝大多数应用,因此实际体验来说两者的性能差距并不大。
  酷派大神对比小米3 编辑点评:
酷派大神对比小米3 编辑点评
  对于酷派大神和小米3这两款机型来说,屏幕方面的对决酷派大神无疑更具优势,7英寸的超大屏幕更是让其成为了一部跨界机型,在性能方面,酷派大神也没有太落下风,在整体体验方面保持了很高的水准。在系统方面,酷派最新推出CoolLife UI 5.5更有着自己独到之处,可以说和MIUI不分上下,这方面只能看个人喜欢及习惯来决定。酷派大神可以说是酷派在市场转型上的代表作,无论是外观设计、硬件配置和价格来说,我们都能看到酷派满满的诚意。
  这两款产品的售价比较贴近,因此消费者相对来说较难选择,不过两款产品的特色还是比较明显的。酷派大神拥有智能手机行业最大尺寸的屏幕,在观影、娱乐等方面拥有一定的视觉冲击感。而在性能上,虽然联发科MT6592与英伟达Tegra 4相比还有小幅差距,不过对于千元级别的消费者而言,基本可以忽略。当然便携性方面小米手机3显然要更胜一筹,不过本着买新不买旧的原则,酷派大神还是一款值得期待的产品。
  对于酷派大神来说当然首先是屏幕,除了尺寸够大之外,与iPhone师出同门的LTPS技术让其显示效果非常出色,结合7.1声道的双扬声器影音效果非凡。此外CoolLife UI 5.5目前也足够成熟,次旗舰级别的性能也让其具备十足的性价比。小米手机3外观设计相比之前也有很大进步,Tegra4处理器的采用也映射着发烧友的定位,外观、性能、功能几方面虽然整体比较均衡但缺乏亮点。
  2、CoolLife UI 5.5与小米MIUI V5谁更好用?
  2013年的国产手机市场竞争越来越白热化,不仅议价能力的提高使得3000元以上的价位有众多精品显现,更精彩的还是在于2000元左右的平民价位的激烈竞争;如果说几个月之前小米3尚且能够凭借Tegra4平台赢得高性价比的称号,那么在MT6592诞生之后众多国产厂商纷纷觊觎这一性能强大又容易塑造高性价比的平台,我们也很欣慰的看到这样一款7英寸屏幕、金属材质做工、拥有更加出色的CoolLife UI的酷派大神的诞生,在屏幕、外观以及系统新鲜程度方面,酷派大神都要相比小米3更加出色,而CoolLife的蜕变也足以媲美MIUI。


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科技要闻-新浪科技: 千万像素6英寸八核机 中兴Memo II评测



千万像素6英寸八核机 中兴Memo II评测
Jan 31st 2014, 01:27

6英寸的中兴Memo II
  作为Memo系列最新款,中兴刚刚发布的6英寸Memo II自然继承了这一强大功能,当然除此之外,中兴Memo II还搭载一颗联发科MT6592真八核处理器,内置1300万像素后置镜头等强大的硬件,性能绝对称得上的旗舰水平。

6英寸的中兴Memo II
  中兴Memo II外观介绍(一)
  作为一款6英寸屏幕的巨屏手机,中兴Memo II给人的感觉不单单是块头大那么简单。我们知道,现在手机市场的智能手机大都是以圆角矩形为主,即便是每款手机会有些许不同,但总的来说差别不大。而此次最新发布的中兴Memo II并没有走这条老路,它一改传统的采用矩形圆角机身设计,这在我们双手持握手机时手感更佳。
  其实说到手机块头大,主要还是在于它6英寸的巨型屏幕上。不过从图上我们还可以看出,中兴Memo II虽然屏幕很大,但手机正面操控的屏占比并不小,这也要得益于它窄边框以及紧凑的设计所赐。
中兴Memo II正面细节
中兴Memo II正面细节
  在中兴Memo II的正面上部,我们看到了该机的品牌LOGO、光线距离感应器、听筒以及前置镜头,同时我们也可以清晰的看到,这款手机的头顶可谓非常紧凑,利用率非常高。也许是为了节省屏幕下面的空间,此次中兴Memo II采用的是隐式虚拟按键设计,只有在点亮屏幕解锁之后才能看到它们,从左到右分别为返回键、HOME键以及菜单键。
  中兴Memo II外观介绍(二)
  如果说中兴Memo II正面的特点是高屏占比的话,那么它背部的特点就是碳纤维材质。这个材质相较之前的聚碳酸酯材质拥有更好的手感,并且在持握时不易沾染指纹,并且防滑效果也表现出色。
中兴Memo II背部设计
  在背部上方,我们可以看到中兴Memo II的1300万像素摄像头,它的下方还有一个非常显眼的LED闪光灯,尺寸甚至比上面的摄像头还大。
中兴Memo II背部细节
中兴Memo II背部细节
  整个背部设计还是以简洁为主,碳纤维材质让这款手机背部看起来立体感十足,就连ZTE(中兴)品牌LOGO和电信天翼标志看起来都有一种光影的感觉,而在背面的右下角,则是Memo II的扬声器。
中兴Memo II顶部细节
中兴Memo II底部细节
  在手机顶部,我们看到了中兴Memo II的3.5mm耳机插孔,在耳机插孔的旁边还有个类似接收器的装置,其实这是Memo II上特有的红外遥控用的接收器。而在手机底部,中兴Memo II同样表现非常简洁,mirco USB和通话MIC都安放在此。
中兴Memo II左侧细节
中兴Memo II右侧细节
  侧边设计往往反映了一款手机的做工,在手机左侧我们看到了中兴Memo II的音量调节键,颇具新意的梯形设计在握持时手感不错。在手机右侧,我们看到了中兴Memo II三个卡槽以及电源键,从上到下分别为mirco SIM卡槽(主卡)、mirco SIM卡槽(副卡),电源键,mirco SD卡槽。


  中兴Memo II屏幕实测
  看完了外观,我们已经对中兴Memo II有了初步的印象,不过从现在的手机市场现状来看,消费者对于屏幕的需求已经渐渐超过对处理器的热衷了。不可否认,对于现在的大屏智能机来说,玩游戏看视频几乎成为它们的主要工作,而这些操作都离不开屏幕的支持。
  当然了对于中兴Memo II来说,除了大气的外观之外,该机屏幕同样有着不错的表现。6英寸的巨屏也让这款手机在游戏方面有着不错的体验,那么到底这块屏幕实际表现如何呢?下面就让我们通过专业测试图,一起揭开问题的答案吧。

中兴Memo II色彩度表现
  从图中我们可以看出,中兴Memo II在色彩的表现力方面还是不错的,基本还原了物品真实的色彩,而且屏幕整体亮度很高,在强光下也能有不错的阅读体验。

  而在可视角度方面,中兴Memo II同样表现不俗,虽然在角度偏大的情况下影响了整体亮度,但基本上还是可以看到图片的细节的。
  中兴Memo II拍照实测
  在拥有一块好的屏幕的前提下,一款能够真正让消费者动心,还要在其他方面有着不输于其他同价位竞品的实力。下面我们就看看中兴Memo II在拍照方面的表现吧。首先从参数来看,它背部内置一颗1300万像素索尼BSI镜头,这枚镜头在目前手机市场中也属中高端的存在了。那么到底具体表现如何呢?让我们一起看一下吧。

  拍照效果方面,1300万像素的中兴Memo II的表现可以说令人满意,对于物品色彩度的把控还是十分到位的,基本可以较好的还原物体真实的样貌。

  而在微距方面,中兴Memo II的表现也十分不错,我们从100%比例显示图也非常清晰。对于一款1300万像素镜头的手机来说,这样的拍照效果也可以称之为惊艳。
  中兴Memo II硬件配置+跑分
  对于广大消费者来说,硬件配置是很多人都追求的目标,对于一款1.7GHz八核+2GB运行内存的中兴Memo II来说,整体参数可以说是目前最顶尖的硬件配置,那么实际表现如何呢?

中兴Memo II的硬件配置
  从上图我们可以获知,中兴Memo II搭载一颗联发科MT6592八核处理器,主频为1.7GHz,内置2GB RAM+16GB存储空间,还拥有500万前置+1300万后置摄像头。
中兴Memo II跑分为26073分
  相信喜欢研究手机的朋友都知道安兔兔评测这款软件,它通过基准跑分,来得出这款手机各个方面的性能指数,从而总结出一个总体得分,用户可以用个这个跑分数据来衡量这款手机处于何种水平。从最新安兔兔性能测试的成绩来看,中兴Memo II的26073分的表现也属目前手机市场的中高端水平了。

  中兴Memo II系统UI+全文总结
  用过中兴手机的朋友很多都抱怨他的系统UI太过千篇一律,针对这个问题,中兴Memo II和青漾2在系统UI图标等方面做了自己的改进,更加偏向目前主流的扁平化发展,而系统界面则更多的保留了Android原生的风格。
中兴Memo II系统界面
  从操作界面图我们可以看出,中兴Memo II在系统UI图标等方面做了自己的改进,更加偏向目前主流的扁平化发展。
中兴Memo II系统界面
  其实对于中兴Memo II而言,还有一个最大的亮点就是它支持的智能分屏以及单手操控模式,这是提升用户体验最直接有效的方式。
  和最开始的中兴Memo 5S不同,此次中兴Memo II的智能分屏功能可以自行选择开启和关闭,开启之后屏幕上会出现一个类似苹果AssistiveTouch功能的白色小圆点。单击它可以调出程序菜单,进而拖动相对应的应用程序即可完成分配操作。
  如果你长按这枚按钮,中兴Memo II可以激活方便单手操控的微缩界面。用户可以直接通过这里操控手机,单手操控使用起来非常方便。
  总体来说,中兴Memo II的整体表现的确令人印象深刻,最大屏加上人性化的智能分屏以及单手操控模式也让这款手机成为目前最热门的产品之一。作为一款6英寸真8核大屏四核机,中兴Memo II的综合表现可谓十分抢眼,并且它那1300万像素索尼BSI的后置镜头也是它的一大亮点。


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科技要闻-新浪科技: 2100万像素?疑似三星Galaxy S5摄像头样张曝光



2100万像素?疑似三星Galaxy S5摄像头样张曝光
Jan 31st 2014, 01:44

  我们知道接下来这张图片可能会让人觉得奇怪甚至是难以接受,但我们还是建议你仔细看看——这张可能是被谁用手指遮住摄像头拍下的图片,来自三星Galaxy S5。这张神秘的照片是在20天前通过Flipboard被一个名为@123fliptest的用户上传。

  很明显,我们当然不是在鉴定一张摄影杰作,那根本不重要。真正有趣的是,根据嵌入的EXIF数据显示,这张图片是由三星SM-G900-V型号拍摄。目前尚未公布的Galaxy S5的SM-G900已经有了多个版本,而看起来G900-V是即将公布的型号。
  继续深入研究这张照片EXIF数据的话,可以发现图片的分辨率为5312×2988,我们由此猜测三星Galaxy S5的摄像头可能有1600万像素。不过,由于这张图是被截成16:9的比例,所以有可能并不是手机摄像头原本的图片比例。因此Galaxy S5有可能搭配的是4:3感应器,所以该手机的实际摄像头像素可能达到2100万。
  Galaxy S5预计将于今年2月或3月发布,最有可能的时间是MWC2014,让我们静候佳音。

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科技要闻-新浪科技: 中国概念股周四收盘涨跌互现 奇虎360涨6.8%



中国概念股周四收盘涨跌互现 奇虎360涨6.8%
Jan 30th 2014, 22:08

  新浪科技讯 北京时间1月31日凌晨消息,因Facebook等公司业绩好于预期以及美国四季度GDP强劲增长,美国股市周四大幅反弹,基本上挽回了昨日的损失。中国概念股周四收盘涨跌互现。
  奇虎360(NYSE:QIHU )周四盘中涨幅高达8.37%,报98.68美元,创下52周新高。
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Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily: Cell cycle speed is key to making aging cells young again

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Cell cycle speed is key to making aging cells young again
Jan 30th 2014, 17:16

A fundamental axiom of biology used to be that cell fate is a one-way street -- once a cell commits to becoming muscle, skin, or blood it always remains muscle, skin, or blood cell. That belief was upended in the past decade when a Japanese scientist introduced four simple factors into skin cells and returned them to an embryonic-like state, capable of becoming almost any cell type in the body.
Hopeful of revolutionary medical therapies using a patient's own cells, scientists rushed to capitalize on the discovery by 2012 Nobel Laureate Shinya Yamanaka. However, the process has remained slow and inefficient, and scientists have had a difficult time discovering a genetic explanation of why this should be.
In the Jan. 30 issue of the journal Cell, Yale School of Medicine researchers identified a major obstacle to converting cells back to their youthful state -- the speed of the cell cycle, or the time required for a cell to divide.
When the cell cycle accelerates to a certain speed, the barriers that keep a cell's fate on one path diminish. In such a state, cells are easily persuaded to change their identity and become pluripotent, or capable of becoming multiple cell types.
"One analogy may be that when temperature increases to sufficient degrees, even a very hard piece of steel can be malleable so that you can give it a new shape easily," said Shangqin Guo, assistant professor of cell biology at the Yale Stem Cell Center and lead author of the paper. "Once cells are cycling extremely fast, they do not seem to face the same barriers to becoming pluripotent."
Guo's team studied blood-forming cells, which when dividing undergo specific changes in their cell cycle to produce new blood cells. Blood-forming progenitor cells normally produce only new blood cells. However, the introduction of Yamanaka factors sometimes -- but not always -- help these blood-forming cells become other types of cells. The new report finds that after this treatment blood-forming cells tend to become pluripotent when the cell cycle is completed in eight hours or less, an unusual speed for adult cells. Cells that cycle more slowly remain blood cells.
"This discovery changes the way people think about how to change cell fate and reveals that a basic 'house-keeping' function of a cell, such as its cell cycle length, can actually have a major impact on switching the fate of a cell," said Haifan Lin, director of the Yale Stem Cell Center.
The study has other implications than explaining the bottleneck in reprogramming that makes it difficult to produce individualized pluripotent stem cells for research and therapy. Shangqin Guo noted that many human diseases are associated with abnormalities in establishing proper cell identity as well as abnormalities in cell cycle behavior.
Video: http://vimeo.com/59083655

Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by Yale University. The original article was written by Bill Hathaway. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
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Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily: Nearly everyone uses piezoelectrics: Now scientists know more about how they actually work

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Nearly everyone uses piezoelectrics: Now scientists know more about how they actually work
Jan 30th 2014, 18:31

Piezoelectrics -- materials that can change mechanical stress to electricity and back again -- are everywhere in modern life. Computer hard drives. Loud speakers. Medical ultrasound. Sonar. Though piezoelectrics are a widely used technology, there are major gaps in our understanding of how they work. Now researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Canada's Simon Fraser University believe they've learned why one of the main classes of these materials, known as relaxors, behaves in distinctly different ways from the rest and exhibit the largest piezoelectric effect. And the discovery comes in the shape of a butterfly.
The team examined two of the most commonly used piezoelectric compounds -- the ferroelectric PZT and the relaxor PMN -- which look very similar on a microscopic scale. Both are crystalline materials composed of cube-shaped unit cells (the basic building blocks of all crystals) that contain one lead atom and three oxygen atoms. The essential difference is found at the centers of the cells: in PZT these are randomly occupied by either one zirconium atom or one titanium atom, both of which have the same electric charge, but in PMN one finds either niobium or manganese, which have very different electric charges. The differently charged atoms produce strong electric fields that vary randomly from one unit cell to another in PMN and other relaxors, a situation absent in PZT.
"PMN-based relaxors and ferroelectric PZT have been known for decades, but it has been difficult to identify conclusively the origin of the behavioral differences between them because it has been impossible to grow sufficiently large single crystals of PZT," says the NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR)'s Peter Gehring. "We've wanted a fundamental explanation of why relaxors exhibit the greatest piezoelectric effect for a long time because this would help guide efforts to optimize this technologically valuable property."
A few years ago, scientists from Simon Fraser University found a way to make crystals of PZT large enough that PZT and PMN crystals could be examined with a single tool for the first time, permitting the first apples-to-apples comparison of relaxors and ferroelectrics. That tool was the NCNR's neutron beams, which revealed new details about where the atoms in the unit cells were located. In PZT, the atoms sat more or less right where they were expected, but in the PMN, their locations deviated from their expected positions -- a finding Gehring says could explain the essentials of relaxor behavior.
"The neutron beams scatter off the PMN crystals in a shape that resembles a butterfly," Gehring says. "It gives a characteristic blurriness that reveals the nanoscale structure that exists in PMN -- and in all other relaxors studied with this method as well -- but does not exist in PZT. It's our belief that this butterfly-shaped scattering might be a characteristic signature of relaxors."
Additional tests the team performed showed that PMN-based relaxors are over 100 percent more sensitive to mechanical stimulation compared to PZT, another first-time measurement. Gehring says he hopes the findings will help materials scientists do more to optimize the behavior of piezoelectrics generally.

Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
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Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily: Researchers develop new tool to identify genetic risk factors

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Researchers develop new tool to identify genetic risk factors
Jan 30th 2014, 17:16

Dartmouth researchers developed a new biological pathway-based computational model, called the Pathway-based Human Phenotype Network (PHPN), to identify underlying genetic connections between different diseases as reported in BioDataMining this week. The PHPN mines the data present in large publicly available disease datasets to find shared SNPs, genes, or pathways and expresses them in a visual form.
"The PHPN offers a bird's eye view of the diseases and phenotype's relationships at the systems level," said Christian Darabos, PhD, post-doctoral fellow, Institute for Quantitative Biomedical Sciences (iQBS), Dartmouth College.
The PHPN uses information in human disease networks in conjunction with network science tools to show clusters of related disorders sharing common genetic backgrounds. It does so without the typical clinical classification of disease, in which all heart disease or all cancers are grouped together, based on clinical presentation. Dartmouth geneticists instead rely on the information contained in the PHPN's topology to automatically classify traits and diseases by their shared genetic mechanisms, such as common genes or pathways. PHPN explores the connections between the layers of the networks to find patterns and relationships.
"The intuitive network representation of the knowledge mined from several large-scale datasets makes the information accessible to anyone. It lies at the crossroads of computational genetics, systems biology, information theory, and network science," Darabos said.
PHPN supports the integration of genomic and phenotypic data to uncover significant links between traits, attributes, and disease. This offer tremendous potential in identifying risk factors for certain diseases. At the same time, it can reveal important targets for therapeutic intervention.
"As a proof of concept, the PHPN has proven capable of identifying well documented interactions, and many novel links that remain to be explored in depth," said Darabos.
The PHPN reveals biological connections between seemingly disparate displays of genetic properties and offers a unique view of the architecture of disease.
This tool can help researchers identify areas for further investigation based on connections it uncovers. "The PHPN is a hypothesis-generating tool, potentially capable of identifying yet uncharacterized common drug targets," said Darabos.
As a next step, iQBS researchers will refine statistical methods, isolate networks for optimal results, and compare previous work on phenotype networks.

Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by The Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
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Solidot: 英国政府考虑切换到开源办公软件



Jan 30th 2014, 16:15

为了节省一年数千万英镑的费用,英国的大臣们考虑从微软的办公软件切换到开源办公软件。自2010年以来,英国公共事务部门在MS Office上已花费了大约2亿英镑。内阁办公厅大臣Francis Maude相信切换到能输出ODF文件格式的开源软件OpenOffice或Google Docs,将可以节省大部分支出。This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service — if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at fivefilters.org/content-only/faq.php#publishers.

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Solidot: 真实的绝命毒师游荡在互联网上



Jan 30th 2014, 15:34

对毒品生产销售真正产生革命性影响不是丝绸之路而是开放互联网。借助互联网,几乎任何具有基本化学知识的人都可以设计、生产和销售毒品。而且在大多数情况下,警察根本无力阻止你。2009年,欧洲毒品和毒品滥用监视中心识别出了24种新毒品;2010年,识别出了41种;2011年是49种,2012年是73种;截至2013年10月,已发现了56种新毒品。不断出现的新毒品令国际毒品监控系统应接不暇。Mike Power在medium上发表文章,介绍如何设计出一种新的合法兴奋剂,并通过互联网找到中国的一个实验室去制造它。来自中国的内部人士称,中国的化学工业基本上不受监管,这是数十起公共健康丑闻发生的原因之一。作者称,仅仅两周时间,中国的实验室就生产出了纯度为93.7%的兴奋剂。This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service — if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at fivefilters.org/content-only/faq.php#publishers.

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科技要闻-新浪科技: 京东招股书概要:“最后一公里”物流仍是挑战



Jan 30th 2014, 14:43

  新浪科技讯 北京时间1月30日晚间消息,京东今天向美国证券交易委员会提交IPO(首次公开招股)申请,计划赴美上市,最多融资15亿美元。















  由于缺少合格的仓储空间和价格合理的"最后一公里"物流服务,送货仍然是在线零售公司面临的一大挑战,服务全国消费者与保持服务品质和效率难以兼顾。(维金 彦飞)

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科技要闻-新浪科技: Facebook净利增7.2倍盘前暴涨18%



Jan 30th 2014, 14:08

  新浪科技讯 北京时间1月30日晚间消息 周三盘后Facebook(FB)公布了2013财年第四季度及全年未经审计财报,第四季度营收为25.85亿美元,同比增长63%;净利润为5.23亿美元,同比增长7.2倍。在周四美股盘前交易中,Facebook股价暴涨18%。



  ——Facebook 2013财年营收为78.72亿美元,比2012财年的50.89亿美元增长55%;

  ——Facebook 2013财年运营利润为28.04亿美元,2012财年运营利润为5.38亿美元;

  ——Facebook 2013财年净利润为15亿美元,2012财年净利润为5300万美元;



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科技要闻-新浪科技: 京东股权结构:刘强东持股18.4%



Jan 30th 2014, 13:22

  新浪科技讯 北京时间1月30日晚间消息,京东今天提交了赴美IPO(首次公开招股)的F-1文件。文件曝光了京东当前的股权结构。

  在IPO之前,京东CEO刘强东通过位于英属维京群岛的公司Max Smart Limited持有京东369,564,379股普通股,持股比例为18.4%。在IPO之后,这部分股份将成为B级普通股。



  HHGL 360Buy Holdings持有318,962,191股普通股,持股比例为15.8%;

  DST Global持有225,744,465股普通股,持股比例为11.2%;

  Best Alliance International Holdings Limited持有191,894,000股普通股,持股比例为9.5%;

  Fortune Rising Holdings Limited持有106,850,910股普通股,持股比例为5.3%;

  Kingdom 5-KR-233, Ltd所管理的基金持有100,988,642股普通股,持股比例为5.0%;


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科技要闻-新浪科技: IPO文件显示:京东融资及发展史



Jan 30th 2014, 13:55


  2011年,京东通过普通股的发行融资62.37亿元。其中2011年4月,DST Global以约2亿美元的价格收购了3982.1655万股。



  京东的历史,开始于2004年1月,创始人刘强东建立了一个电子商务网站,并随后在北京、上海分别创建了他的两家在线零售行业公司。2006年11月,刘强东等人在英属维尔京群岛(British Virgin Islands)组建了海外控股公司Star Wave Investments Holdings Limited,以促进国际融资。该公司随后在2014年1月改名为360buy京东公司。360buy京东公司迁至开曼群岛,依开曼群岛法律成为一家豁免公司,并更名为JD.com公司。


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Solidot: 3.7万名玩家成为论文的共同作者



Jan 30th 2014, 13:53

众包可用于筹集资金,也可用于虚拟实验。通过将虚拟游戏玩家和真实的生化实验室连接在一起,研究人员众包了他们的实验。名叫EteRNA的游戏可以让玩家远程执行真实的实验,去验证有关RNA分子折叠的理论预测。众包实验的第一个结果已经出来,发表在本周出版的期刊PNAS上,论文署名作者多达3.7万人,其中专业科研人员只有10人。有研究人员认为EteRNA代表未来的科学,不只是众包公民科学家,还允许他们远程访问真实实验室。云计算生物化学正成为现实,科学家可以外包枯燥的实验,而将精力集中在不枯燥的部分。This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service — if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at fivefilters.org/content-only/faq.php#publishers.

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Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily: Dinosaur fossils from China help researchers describe new 'Titan'

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Dinosaur fossils from China help researchers describe new 'Titan'
Jan 29th 2014, 23:48

A team led by University of Pennsylvania paleontologists has characterized a new dinosaur based on fossil remains found in northwestern China. The species, a plant-eating sauropod named Yongjinglong datangi, roamed during the Early Cretaceous period, more than 100 million years ago. This sauropod belonged to a group known as Titanosauria, members of which were among the largest living creatures to ever walk the earth.
At roughly 50-60 feet long, the Yongjinglong individual discovered was a medium-sized Titanosaur. Anatomical evidence, however, points to it being a juvenile; adults may have been larger.
The find, reported in the journal PLOS ONE, helps clarify relationships among several sauropod species that have been found in the last few decades in China and elsewhere. Its features suggest that Yongjinglong is among the most derived, or evolutionarily advanced, of the Titanosaurs yet discovered from Asia.
Doctoral student Liguo Li and professor Peter Dodson, who have affiliations in both the School of Veterinary Medicine's Department of Animal Biology and the School of Arts and Sciences' Department of Earth and Environmental Science, led the work. They partnered with Hailu You, a former student of Dodson's, who now works at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, and Daqing Li of the Gansu Geological Museum in Lanzhou, China.
Until very recently, the United States was the epicenter for dinosaur diversity, but China surpassed the U.S. in 2007 in terms of species found. This latest discovery was made in the southeastern Lanzhou-Minhe Basin of China's Gansu Province, about an hour's drive from the province's capital, Lanzhou. Two other Titanosaurs from the same period, Huanghetitan liujiaxiaensis and Daxiatitan binglingi, were discovered within the last decade in a valley one kilometer from the Yongjinglong fossils.
"As recently as 1997 only a handful of dinosaurs were known from Gansu," Dodson said. "Now it's one of the leading areas of China. This dinosaur is one more of the treasures of Gansu."
During a trip to Gansu, Liguo Li was invited to study the remains, which had been in storage since being unearthed in 2008. They consisted of three teeth, eight vertebrae, the left shoulder blade, and the right radius and ulna.
The anatomical features of the bones bear some resemblance to another Titanosaur that had been discovered by paleontologists in China in 1929, named Euhelopus zdanskyi. But the team was able to identify a number of unique characteristics.
"The shoulder blade was very long, nearly 2 meters, with sides that were nearly parallel, unlike many other Titanosaurs whose scapulae bow outward," Li said.
The scapula was so long, indeed, that it did not appear to fit in the animal's body cavity if placed in a horizontal or vertical orientation, as is the case with other dinosaurs. Instead, Li and colleagues suggest the bone must have been oriented at an angle of 50 degrees from the horizontal.
In addition, an unfused portion of the shoulder blade indicated to the researchers that the animal under investigation was a juvenile or subadult.
"The scapula and coracoid aren't fused here," Li said. "It is open, leaving potential for growth."
Thus, a full-grown adult might be larger than this 50-60 foot long individual. Future finds may help elucidate just how much larger, the researchers noted.
The ulna and radius were well preserved, enough so that the researchers could identify grooves and ridges they believe correspond with the locations of muscle attachments in the dinosaur's leg.
The researchers were also able to draw evidence about the dinosaur's relationship to other species from the vertebrae, one of which was from the neck and the other seven from the trunk. Notably, the vertebrae had large cavities in the interior that the team believes provided space for air sacs in the dinosaur's body.
"These spaces are unusually large in this species," Dodson said. "It's believed that dinosaurs, like birds, had air sacs in their trunk, abdominal cavity and neck as a way of lightening the body."
In addition, the longest tooth they found was nearly 15 centimeters long. Another shorter tooth contained unique characteristics, including two "buttresses," or bony ridges, on the internal side, while Euhelopus had only one buttress on its teeth.
To gain a sense of where Yongjinglong sits on the family tree of sauropods, the researchers were able to compare its characteristics with specimens from elsewhere in China, as well as from Africa, South America and the U.S.
"We used standard paleontological techniques to compare it with phylogenies based on other specimens," Dodson said. "It is definitely much more derived than Euhelopus and shows close similarities to derived species from South America."
Not only does the discovery point to the fact that Titanosaurs encompass a diverse group of dinosaurs, but it also supports the growing consensus that sauropods were a dominant group in the Early Cretaceous -- a view that U.S. specimens alone could not confirm.
"Based on U.S. fossils, it was once thought that sauropods dominated herbivorous dinosaur fauna during the Jurassic but became almost extinct during the Cretaceous," Dodson said. "We now realize that, in other parts of the world, particularly in South America and Asia, sauropod dinosaurs continued to flourish in the Cretaceous, so the thought that they were minor components is no longer a tenable view."
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Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily: Blood and lymphatic capillaries grown for the first time in the lab

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Blood and lymphatic capillaries grown for the first time in the lab
Jan 30th 2014, 09:07

Researchers at the University Children's Hospital Zurich and the University of Zurich have engineered skin cells for the very first time containing blood and lymphatic capillaries. They succeeded in isolating all the necessary types of skin cells from human skin tissue and engineering a skin graft that is similar to full-thickness skin.
Every year around 11 million people suffer severe burns. The resulting large, deep wounds caused by burning only heal slowly; this results in lifelong scars. What is needed to reduce this kind of scarring is the grafting of functional full-thickness skin. Only a very limited area of skin can be removed from the individual patient as the surgery, in turn, creates new wounds. Besides conventional skin grafting, another option is to engineer a skin graft in the lab which firstly is composed of the patient's cells and secondly is very similar to natural human skin.
Up to now these complex skin grafts didn't contain any blood or lymphatic capillaries, pigmentation, sebaceous glands, hair follicles or nerves. The researchers at the Tissue Biology Research Unit, the research department of the Surgical Clinic and at the Research Centre for Children at the University Children's Hospital Zurich have been engineering dermo-epidermal skin grafts for some time but now they have succeeded in constructing a more complex organ. "We were able to isolate all the necessary skin cells from a human skin sample and to engineer a skin graft similar to full-thickness skin that contains for the first time blood and lymphatic capillaries too," says Martin Meuli, Head of the Surgical Clinic at the University Children's Hospital Zurich.
Fully functional lymphatic capillaries generated for the first time
Tissue fluid is excreted from a wound which accumulates in a cavity on the skin's surface and can impede wound healing. Lymphatic vessels drain off this fluid. The researchers isolated lymphatic capillary cells from the human dermis. Together with the blood capillaries that were also engineered, this guarantees rapid, efficient vesicular supply of the skin graft. Up to now, this had been a major unsolved problem in molecular tissue biology and regenerative medicine.
The scientists in the team of Ernst Reichmann, Head of the Tissue Biology Research Unit, were surprised by three findings. The individual lymphatic cells spontaneously arranged themselves into lymphatic capillaries with all the characteristics of lymphatic vessels. In preclinical trials both the human lymphatic capillaries and the blood capillaries engineered in the laboratory connected with those of the laboratory animals. "What's novel is that the lymphatic capillaries collected and transported tissue fluid; hence they were functional," explains Ernst Reichmann and goes on to add, "We assume that skin grafts with lymphatic and blood capillaries will, in future, both prevent the accumulation of tissue fluid and ensure rapid blood supply of the graft." This could markedly improve the healing process and the typical organ structure of this type of skin graft.
The first clinical application of these complex skin grafts is scheduled for 2014. They will not, however, contain any blood or lymphatic capillaries as approval has still to be obtained.

Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by University of Zurich. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
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Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily: Disappearing snow increases risk of collapsing ice shelves in Antarctica

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Disappearing snow increases risk of collapsing ice shelves in Antarctica
Jan 30th 2014, 09:08

A number of floating ice shelves in Antarctica are at risk of disappearing entirely in the next 200 years, as global warming reduces their snow cover. Their collapse would enhance the discharge of ice into the oceans and increase the rate at which sea-level rises. A rapid reduction of greenhouse gas emissions could save a number of these ice shelves, researchers at Utrecht University and the British Antarctic Survey say in a new paper published today in the Journal of Glaciology.
Back in 1995 and 2002, two floating ice shelves in the north of the Antarctic Peninsula (Larsen A and B) suddenly collapsed -- each event occurred in a matter of weeks.
Dr Peter Kuipers Munneke, the paper's lead author, said: "This was a spectacular event, especially when you imagine the size of these ice shelves, which are several hundreds of metres thick, and have been in place for over 10,000 years."
The team of researchers suspected that the disappearance of the snow layer on top of the ice shelves could be an important precursor for shelf collapse. Their calculations confirm this hypothesis, and show that many more ice shelves could disappear in the next 200 years.
The scientists believed the snow layer plays an important role in regulating the effect of meltwater lakes on the ice shelves.
As long as the snow layer is sufficiently thick and cold, all meltwater can sink into the snow and refreeze. But in a warmer climate, the amount of meltwater increases, and the snow layers become thinner.
As a result, meltwater can no longer refreeze and forms large lakes on the surface of the ice shelves. The water drains through cracks and faults, causing them to widen until they become so wide and deep that the entire ice shelf disintegrates.
After their collapse, ice shelves can no longer provide resistance to the flow of the glaciers previously feeding them. As a result, the glacier flow accelerates significantly, contributing to an increase in sea-level rise.
The researchers performed calculations that show how this process may evolve over the next 200 years, using two different climate scenarios.
Dr Kuipers Munnekke said: "If we continue to burn fossil fuels at the current rate, almost all ice shelves in the Antarctic Peninsula will be under threat of collapse in the next 200 years. Only the two largest ones seem to be safe. Even in the much colder eastern part of Antarctica, some ice shelves could disintegrate. If we manage to keep global warming below the European Union target of 2oC, more than half of the ice shelves could be saved, compared to no action taken on emissions reductions."
The study received financial support from the European Union's four-year ice2sea project. Prof. David Vaughan said "We've been observing ice-shelf retreat around the Antarctic Peninsula since the early 1990s, but for the first time this model provides a strong basis for the prediction of future changes, which is a major step forward in understanding future sea-level changes."

Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by British Antarctic Survey. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
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科技要闻-新浪科技: 爱立信发布2013年第四季度及全年财报



Jan 30th 2014, 11:14



  本季度实现毛利37.1%,而去年同期则为31.1%。2013年全年实现毛利33.6%,而2012年全年的毛利则为31.6%。不包括合资公司,第四季度实现运营收入91亿瑞典克朗,同比上涨90%,环比增长112%。不包括合资公司,2013年全年实现运营收入180亿瑞典克朗,与2012年相比下滑19%。 不包括合资公司,2013年第四季度季度运营利率为13.5%,而去年同期则为7.1%。2013年全年这个数字为7.9%,2012年全年则为9.7%。



  爱立信总裁兼首席执行官卫翰思(Hans Vestberg)表示:"2013年,考虑汇率因素, 按可比单位计算,爱立信年销售同比增长5%。我也很高兴地看到,我们已成功地与三星达成知识产权交叉许可协议。 我们所处的行业建立在规模化基础之上,一贯秉承公平、合理、非歧视(FRAND)的原则,通过许可来共享技术。这一协议的达成,表明了我们研发投资的价值,使得我们两家公司能够不断坚持创新、将新技术推向市场。"

  我们对盈利能力的关注已开始得到回报。 尽管受到汇率下降的巨大挑战,但得益于网络销售和网络部署的积极驱动,集团运营利润率在2013年逐渐好转。

  公司业务组合中网络覆盖项目多于扩容项目的状况,在2013年呈逆转趋势,往更多的扩容项目上发展。正如我们预料的那样,第四季度销售遭遇到一些压力。我们也在此前的报告中沟通过, 销售压力主要来自两个大型移动宽带覆盖项目的变化,一是北美项目在2013年上半年见顶,以及日本项目的活跃度下降。







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科技要闻-新浪科技: 联想CFO:无需为收购摩托罗拉移动在债市融资



Jan 30th 2014, 11:23

  路透北京1月30日 -中国联想集团的首席财务官黄伟明称,为收购谷歌旗下摩托罗拉移动,公司没有在债市融资的紧迫需求。



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Solidot: 利用盗链建立视频网站的创建者被判入狱半年



Jan 30th 2014, 09:47

北京海淀检察院昨天宣布,一名利用盗链建立两家视频网站的网站站长构成侵犯著作权罪,情节严重,被判处有期徒刑6个月,罚金人民币2万元。该案是公安部开展"剑网"行动以来,北京市检察机关所办理的第一起网络视频侵权案件,也是中国内地首例打击视频侵权网站获得成功判决的刑事案件。这位站长盗链的方式与百度和快播相同,都是破解各视频网站正版保护,通过爬虫抓取视频信息,盗播合法视频网站的内容。据称,上千家盗版视频小网站通过百度、快播提供的技术、流量、广告联盟分成以及推广费用支持,形成了一个庞大盗版视频产业链。百度和快播去年遭到了罚款25万元的行政处罚。This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service — if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at fivefilters.org/content-only/faq.php#publishers.

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Solidot: Edward Snowden被提名为诺贝尔和平奖候选人



Edward Snowden被提名为诺贝尔和平奖候选人
Jan 30th 2014, 10:07

前NSA合同工Edward Snowden将有机会获得2014年度的诺贝尔和平奖。两名挪威议会议员Baard Vegard Solhjell和Snorre Valen向诺贝尔和平奖评选委员会提名Snowden为诺贝尔和平奖候选人,理由是他曝光了NSA监控全世界的秘密,激发了有关政府信任的公众辩论,而政府信任是和平的必要条件。现任美国总统奥巴马在上任第一年获得了诺贝尔和平奖,而被白宫官员称为美国叛徒的Snowden倒像是比奥巴马更有资格成为和平奖得主。This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service — if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at fivefilters.org/content-only/faq.php#publishers.

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科技要闻-新浪科技: 除夕微米再升级 借“活动”让社交走向线下



除夕微米再升级 借"活动"让社交走向线下
Jan 30th 2014, 09:15









  语音密语 表白神器还是偷情神器?



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科技要闻-新浪科技: 沈阳:大量群发短信及内容涉黄赌毒手机可被锁



Jan 30th 2014, 09:46













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