大股东对苹果提起诉讼 反对停发优先股
Feb 9th 2013, 03:11
新浪科技讯 北京时间2月9日上午消息,美国对冲基金绿光资本(Greenlight Capital)掌门人大卫·埃因霍恩(David Einhorn)本周四在曼哈顿地区法院对苹果提起诉讼,试图阻止苹果在公司章程中删除有关优先股的条款。埃因霍恩正在施压苹果,希望苹果利用其1370 亿美元现金发行永久优先股,作为向当前股东派发的股息。
不过,杜克大学法学院教授詹姆斯·考克斯(James Cox)认为,埃因霍恩把握住了问题的关键,提出了一个很好的案例。埃因霍恩希望法庭发出禁令,阻止苹果在2月27日的股东大会上推动对这项动议的投票。他认为,苹果违反了美国1934年《证券法》的第14章。美国地区法官理查德·萨利文(Richard Sullivan)将于2月22日对本案进行听证,苹果对本案做出回应的最后期限为2月15日。
本案焦点是苹果提出的第2号动议。苹果寻求在3个方面修改公司章程,包括向董事提供多数投票权,确定苹果股票的票面价值,以及停止发行优先股的权力。埃因霍恩在本案中的代理律师为律师事务所Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld,这是绿光资本的长期法律顾问。苹果尚未选择代理律师,而苹果发言人也拒绝对相关消息置评。
不过本周五,美国最大的养老基金、持有270万股苹果股份的加州公务员退休系统,以及具有影响力的代理投票公司ISS Proxy Advisory Service均呼吁股东,投票支持这一动议。
加州公务员退休系统的高级基金经理及企业治理主管安妮·辛普森(Anne Simpson)表示:"所有股东都应当投一票。我们不希望董事会与对冲基金达成协议,只是由于担心诉讼可能导致年度股东大会被取消。这是一个需要谨慎考虑的重大问题,我们希望董事会考虑所有股东,给予机会听听他们的声音。"
目前尚不清楚苹果将如何对这起诉讼做出回应。本周四,苹果表示,埃因霍恩提起的诉讼具有误导性,而通过第2号动议并不影响苹果未来发行优先股。苹果表示: "目前,公司章程允许董事会未经股东批准发行'空白支票'优先股。如果第2号动议通过,那么股东将有权批准或否决优先股的发行。"
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I believe my exact words were "I don't want to be your dirty little secret. They feature almost nightly drink specials and some form of entertainment every night of the week--DJ's, live music, trivia, you name it.
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The owner decided after the event to donate half of the proceeds back to the students.
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On Sunday nights Erin Jaimes hosts a blues jam where anyone from Alan
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Some were practical, of course, but others were psychological and emotional.
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Her father, Bruce Paltrow, produced the critically acclaimed
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DJ spins out on Saturday nights. Local country
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Ask your local club to run this for you.
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In that case, this kind of question should not be taken from any show telecasted
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Narrow blood vessels lie alongside the intestines of the earthworm and they absorb the nutrients from the alimentary canal feeding the rest of the body.
回复删除Brazenhead is a great place to go with your family or for a business lunch or dinner, but if you are looking for a party atmosphere, this isn't it. 28.
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DJ spins out on Saturday nights. You must definitely be planning to make it special and memorable by keeping a good theme, ordering the best food
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Some were practical, of course, but others were psychological and emotional.
回复删除Anna had been looking through my phone while I
was naked. The food is decent and the drink specials
on Tuesdays include $2.
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